Your vision is our mission..
please note by entering our website or when scheduling and accepting our assistance you are accepting our terms and agreements this is a legally binding contract

Consultations are design plans for gardens, landscapes, potted plants, raised garden beds, garden lights, garden features and garden rooms for outdoor living. Designs require time and the creative mind of the designer. These designs will be for low water usage, ease of maintenance and successful gardening for years to come. A step by step plan will be offered to set each client up for success, with 3 follow up visits included.
Each consultation will have a minimum of $150.00 per plan payable at time of presentation. A deposit is required on initial consultation day. The consultation begins when the client has explained their vision and the designer has secured photos of current gardens, scape or yard area they want redesigned. Designer will incorporate what client has on hand to sketch the design and price out any features or plantings that will be needed to create the vision of the client. On presentation day the client will pay the remainder of cost for the design with the knowledge that any alterations to plan at that time will be at no charge. The client will then choose to do work themselves or they can chose to hire us to put it in place at hourly rates. These consultations will be done all year initially encouraging clients to do plan in off season and initiate plan in Spring.
Consultations can be for design or for simple garden planning, raised beds, what to plant when and where to plant what types of soil to be a successful gardener, how to care for it and maintenance schedule. Compost education and which mulch material to use will also be included. Client will again be able to choose to put plan in place themselves or use Mulch On to assist and maintain on a scheduled basis.